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[Daniel Pak] Our faith in action to truly see the glory of God at work

Hello my name is Daniel Pak and since this was my first mission trip to Haiti I did not know exactly what to expect. I got to experience Haiti's method of transportation for the first time, the Dap-Dap, and the chaotic traffic where the people of Haiti drive on roads without lines, organization, and no signals. Almost had a heart attack numerous times. I also witness an old lady lift a 50 pound water container, put it on her head, and walk long distance with no problem at all while balancing it on her head! I also got to experience what it felt like to be a human waterfall, dripping pools of sweat every day and night non-stop. I would step out of the bath thinking if I should rewash as I was immediately covered in sweat once again. These were some amazing things I got to see and experience in Haiti, but the most marvelous thing I was able to witness was God moving in Haiti and being in his presence.

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” -Joshua 1:9

Our team sailed to an island called La Gonave to have two days of VBS. We sang praise, did crafts, and prepared a small sermon to the children. The team also assisted in constructing a bathroom in a village close to our mission center. I was able to feel God's presence and see Him move in the children during our time there. Especially in a child named John, a boy who immediately ran up to me and held my hand when we entered the village, we never saw each other prior to this visit but I felt an instant connection. It also helped that he knew some english from school. I felt that God wanted me to serve all the children during our VBS but he gave me many signs that I personally should pray and connect with this particular child. John showed up at our mission center numerous times where we were staying calling out my name from the gate to check if we would visit again. On the last day of VBS I did not get the chance to tell John we were leaving the next morning due to our heavy schedule that day. In the morning of our depature I hoped and prayed that I would be able to see him one last time, and as our boat was about to set sail he showed up! I immediately jumped on the side of the boat to take a picture of him and to tell him that I would always be praying for him, his family, and his village. I also gave him my English bible in hopes that he would continue learning english and to truly accept Jesus Christ as his savior and to know God's Love.

"If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead." -James 2:15-17

Our mission is to place our faith in action to truly see the glory of God at work as he uses us as instruments to fulfill the mission. His mission is not just in countries like Haiti but everywhere, all around us: in our homes, work, schools. We must live by example, and display our faith with Godly actions not just in attending church or praying comfortably in our rooms but to step out of comfort zones and truly attempt to plant seeds. The feeling that I have now, that God used me to potentially save a child's life for eternity, is a feeling I will never forget. That feeling of divine intervention, just knowing that God is there, working in all of us, and all of us being embraced in His loving arms.

I consider myself so very blessed to have had the opportunity to witness the change God is making in Haiti and to have been apart of it. I am very blessed to have been the recipient of your support and prayers. I am very blessed to have experienced this mission with this team, I could not have asked to be a part of a better team.

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